If you want to see the free space available in your Linux server, you can run the below command to get the information. df -h Let us know in the comment if you face any issues.
If you are working on Postgres and facing issues of slow queries then tuning the Postgres server can be a good point to optimize the performance by tuning the Postgres database. In this article, we will talk about increasing the… Continue Reading →
If you are new to salesforce then you might face this issue, how to delete records from salesforce Object. Alright, we will go step by step to get it done. Step 1: Click on the gear icon on the top… Continue Reading →
If you are new to salesforce then you might face this issue, how to insert records in to salesforce Object. Alright, we will go step by step to get it done. Step 1: Click on the gear icon on the… Continue Reading →
Notes from Zerodha varsity:Where to invest? The following are some of the popular asset classes. Fixed income instruments (FD, Bonds) Equity Real estate Commodities (precious metals: Investments in gold and silver): There are several ways to invest in gold and… Continue Reading →
Many times, we need to create a random application id with some specific format and that should be unique. In this example, we are going to create an application ID and that should follow the below conditions. It should be… Continue Reading →
Sometime, we need to check the list of processes running inside database or check the status of query. Various database provides their own way to check it. MySQL:If you are on MySQL database then run the below sql to check… Continue Reading →
If you want to only extract digits from a string in Postgres, we can do it using regexp_replace. \D tell not digit and ‘g’ stand for global. SELECT NULLIF(regexp_replace(‘OTHERdsfd4 323 2323d42324 3ssf3 432`sfd’, ‘\D’,”,’g’), ”)::numeric AS result — Output: 432323234232433432… Continue Reading →
Run the below SQL to check if your specified column have any other character other than digit. select * from database.table_name where column_name regexp ‘[^0-9]’;
Meld is a great tool to see the diff and merge two files, you can use meld as a default difftool and merge tool in all the Operating systems like windows, linux and Mac. Here, we will talk about only… Continue Reading →
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