Follow the below steps to set up the airflow from scratch without Docker. 1. python3 -m venv venv 2. source venv/bin/activate 3. Setup the airflow home path export AIRFLOW_HOME=/Users/piyush/workspace/airflow_demo_atrium 4. Setup Postgres database, first create one database and then change… Continue Reading →
In the airflow version less than 2, there is no default authentication available in the web application. Anyone can access the application with the URL, it won’t ask for any username and password. But apache airflow provides an option to… Continue Reading →
Sometimes, we need a way to configure the variables from the admin UI of airflow so that we can change the value of that variable whenever required. Instead of digging into code and modify it and then deploy and test…. Continue Reading →
The default base URL of airflow is http://localhost:8080 and because of this, you may get an issue that log files URL is still showing localhost and you have to remove localhost and replace it with your actual domain on which… Continue Reading →
If you are using airflow in your production environment then you must have come across a requirement to trigger an email if any Dag fails so that you will be notified and fix the issue in the flow. We will… Continue Reading →
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