Category Machine Learning

Learn and implement machine learning, artificial intelligence-based algorithm.

What is machine learning, how to implement it in day to day life and tools and technology used in the field of machine learning? Step by step guide.

Data Preprocessing Steps in python

Whenever you are doing some preprocessing of data in pandas/python and reading data from any CSV file do the following things first. Trim space in all the columns. Convert each column in the right datatype. Contd.

Change the size of plot in matplotlib or seaborn python in Jupyter notebook

When you are working on the Jupyter notebook and using seaborn or matplotlib for plotting the curves, you will see that many times your plot is overlapping and you want to change the size of the plot. You can use… Continue Reading →

One hot encoding in python

If you are working in machine learning then I am sure you will need this code many times. Use the below piece of code for one hot encoding. cat_vars=[‘LeadSource’,’Products__c’,’Service_Offering__c’] for var in cat_vars: cat_list=’var’+’_’+var cat_list = pd.get_dummies(dataset2[var], prefix=var) dataset3=dataset3.join(cat_list) cat_vars=[‘LeadSource’,’Products__c’,’Service_Offering__c’]… Continue Reading →

Set Finder’s default folder in Mac OS X

When you open the finder then by default it opens the recent folder but sometimes you want to customize it according to your need or most frequently visited folder. Follow the below steps to set the Mac Finder default folder… Continue Reading →

Basics of Pandas

If you are here then I am assuming that you know what is pandas and the use cases where it can make your life easy. So I will directly introduce you to some basic functions so that you can start… Continue Reading →

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