If you are giving your money to borrow or taking money from somebody, it is a good idea to sign a promissory note. This is a debt instrument and also a legal financial tool and it is signed by a… Continue Reading →
You have seen the login button on almost all the websites to manage the access of resources and keep the content secure from unauthorized access. So almost all the websites provide a login option before you can view any content… Continue Reading →
Have you ever faced embarrassment when someone uses any short form and you don’t know how to decode it? We tried to compile a list for you that will help you in using the abbreviations and understand the meaning. It… Continue Reading →
You must hear upselling and cross-selling in your daily life and both the terms sound very confusing. Ideally, the purpose of both concepts is to provide the maximum value or benefits to the customer and at the same time increase… Continue Reading →
If you are here it means you have an interest in computer science or want to land in an IT company. If you have done your education in computer science then this journey might be easy for you but if… Continue Reading →
If you want to run the SFDX command inside the docker container then you have to install the SFDX CLI inside docker for that you need to install a couple of dependencies so there are two easy ways to do… Continue Reading →
If you are living in a place where heatwaves are strong and the temperature is more than 40 degrees Celsius so it becomes important to buy some cooling devices like an airconditioner or Cooler. In Rajasthan and North India, it… Continue Reading →
4% thumb rule. If the total rent paid annually is less than 4% of the total value of the house then go for rent else buying House is beneficial. For example, the total cost of the house is 100 Lac… Continue Reading →
Before investing in any mutual fund, took at these three factors. Expense ratio. It should be less otherwise mutual fund company will take more percentage in final profit. Equilty allocatios means shares where that mutual fund will invest your money…. Continue Reading →
Sometimes it happens, you will see the top bar in the iPhone that is missing that has information related to time battery and mobile network. You have no clue what to do because everything was working fine some time ago… Continue Reading →
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