If you are trying to install Apache in Mac OS use the below step by step tutorial.

Step 1:

Install Apache with the help of homebrew. If it is not installed in your system. You can install it from here.

Step 2:

After installing homebrew, Run the below command to install apache.

brew install httpd

Step 3:

After completing the installation process, configure httpd service to be auto-started on system boot.

sudo brew services start httpd

Step 4:

By default, Apache will run on 8080 port. you can open below link in the browser and if you see the message “It Works!” it means you have successfully installed the apache in your system.


If you want to change the listen port of Apache, change the value of listen port from 8080 to 80 in the /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf

Find the line with
Listen 8080

and change it to
Listen 80

Step 5:

Commonly used command to manage apache server

sudo apachectl stop
sudo apachectl start
sudo apachectl -k restart

Let us know by comments if you face any trouble in the above steps.

Happy Coding!!