If you are new to salesforce then you might face this issue, how to insert records in to salesforce Object.

Alright, we will go step by step to get it done.

Step 1: Click on the gear icon on the top right side of salesforce and select developer console.

Step 2: Select the debug from the top menu and select Open Execute Anonymous window and paste the below code.

plan__c pln = new plan__c(
planrowid__c= 322905,
cc__c= '1670',
hc__c= 10,
request__c = 'iytrh-4389',
status__c = 'done' );
insert pln;

Check the checkbox open log and click on the Execute. It will show the result of above code in the debug log.

Here, in the above code we are trying to insert a new record in the plan__C custom object and planrowid, at__c, cc__c etc are the api names of the fields present in the plan__c object.

Happy Coding!!